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Belle Meade, TN

Learn more about Belle Meade, TN

2.28k people lived in Belle Meade, Tennessee in 2019, with a median age of 50.2 and a median household income of $250,001. In Belle Meade, Tennessee, between 2018 and 2019, the population fell by 5.04%, from 2,401 to 2,280, while the median household income increased by 13.4%, from $220,417 to $250,001.

White (non-Hispanic) (96.5%), Two+ (non-Hispanic) (2.11%), Black or African American (non-Hispanic) (0.789%), Asian (non-Hispanic) (0.57%), and White (Hispanic) (0%) make up Belle Meade, Tennessee's top 5 ethnic groupings. In Belle Meade, Tennessee, 0% of households have English as the only language spoken at home.

In Belle Meade, Tennessee, 99.5% of the population is an American citizen.

In Belle Meade, Tennessee, the homeownership rate was 93.8% in 2019 and the median property value was $1.52M. The majority of residents of Belle Meade, Tennessee commuted alone by car, and the trip took an average of 18.4 minutes. In Belle Meade, Tennessee, there were about 2 automobiles per household.

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2.28k people call Belle Meade, Tennessee home, and 99.5% of them are citizens. As of 2019, 1.89% of Belle Meade, Tennessee residents were foreign-born (43 people).

Belle Meade, Tennessee had 2.2k more White (non-Hispanic) residents in 2019 than any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings, 48 Two+ (non-Hispanic) and 18 Black or African American (non-Hispanic), were represented.

Ethnicity and Race

Belle Meade, Tennessee had 2.2k more White (non-Hispanic) residents in 2019 than any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings, 48 Two+ (non-Hispanic) and 18 Black or African American (non-Hispanic), were represented.

In Belle Meade, Tennessee, there are no Hispanic residents (0 people).

Population Born Abroad

1.89% of Belle Meade, Tennessee population (43 persons) were foreign-born as of 2019, which is less than the 13.7% national average. In Belle Meade, Tennessee, there were 2.21% foreign-born residents in 2018, a declining percentage.

By Nativity, Age

The median age of all residents in Belle Meade, Tennessee, in 2019 was 50.2. Native-born residents were generally older than foreign-born residents, who had a median age of 49. However, the population of Belle Meade, Tennessee, is getting younger. The average age of all people living in Belle Meade, Tennessee, in 2018 was 50.

Worldwide Diversity

Mexico accounted for 90,080 of Tennessee's foreign-born residents' birthplaces in 2019, followed by India with 22,725 and Guatemala with 14,922 persons each.


Belle Meade, Tennessee's 99.5% citizen population in 2019 was greater than the 93.4% national average. Belle Meade, Tennessee, had 99% US citizens as of 2018, indicating that the rate of citizenship has been rising.


Veterans Belle Meade, Tennessee, has 3.44 times more military people living there who served in Vietnam than in any other conflict.


The average salary of men in Tennessee is $1.37 times greater than that of women, who earn $45,164 on average. Tennessee's income inequality, as determined by the Gini index, is lower than the national average at 0.465.

965 people are employed in Belle Meade, Tennessee's economy. The highest paying industries in Belle Meade, Tennessee are Real Estate & Rental & Leasing ($215,313), Health Care & Social Assistance ($214,063), and Educational Services, & Health Care & Social Assistance ($200,938). The largest industries in Belle Meade, Tennessee are Health Care & Social Assistance (193 people), Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (185 people), and Finance & Insurance (144 people).


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