With a population of 6.83 million, a median age of 39, and a median household income of $56,071 in 2019, Tennessee had a population in 2019. Tennessee's population increased by 0.874 percent between 2018 and 2019, from 6.77 million to 6.83 million, while its median household income increased by 7.06 percent, from $52,375 to $56,071.
White (Non-Hispanic) (73.3%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (16.6%), White (Hispanic) (3.9%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (2.06%), and Asian (Non-Hispanic) make up Tennessee's top 5 ethnic groupings (1.82 percent ). In Tennessee, 7.57 percent of families have a main language other than English at home.
In Tennessee, citizens of the United States make up 96.9% of the population.
The University of Tennessee-Knoxville (7,680 degrees conferred in 2020), Middle Tennessee State University (4,977 degrees), and University of Memphis are Tennessee's largest universities (4,621 degrees).
Tennessee had a median home value of $191,900 in 2019 and a 66.5 percent homeownership rate. The majority of people in Tennessee commuted alone by car, and it took them 24.4 minutes on average to get there. Each household in Tennessee owned an average of two cars.
Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, and Virginia are bordered by Tennessee.
6.83 million people call Tennessee home, of which 96.9 percent are citizens. 5.04 percent of Tennessee inhabitants were born outside of the state as of 2019. (344k people).
Tennessee has 4.42 times as many White (non-Hispanic) residents than any other race or ethnicity in 2019 (5.01M). The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 1.13 million Black or African American (non-Hispanic) and 266 thousand White (Hispanic) inhabitants.
Spanish (spoken by 287,350 people), Arabic (spoken by 25,793 people), and Chinese (including Mandarin and Cantonese) are the three most often used foreign languages in Tennessee (16,374 speakers).
Tennessee has 4.42 times as many White (non-Hispanic) residents than any other race or ethnicity in 2019 (5.01M). The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 1.13 million Black or African American (non-Hispanic) and 266 thousand White (Hispanic) inhabitants.
Hispanics make up 5.7% of the population of Tennessee (389k people).
7.57 percent of Tennessee residents speak a language other than English, which is less than the 22 percent national average.
Spanish was the most widely spoken non-English language in Tennessee in 2019. Native Spanish speakers comprise 4.47 percent of Tennessee's total population. The next two most frequent languages are Arabic (0.402%) and Chinese (0.255%) (including Mandarin and Cantonese).
5.04 percent of Tennessee residents (344,00) were foreign-born as of 2019, which is less than the country's average of 13.7 percent. Tennessee had 4.93 percent of its population born outside the state as of 2018, a growing percentage.
The median age of all Tennessee residents in 2019 was 39. The median age of citizens of domestic birth was 39, which was generally lower than the median age of citizens of foreign birth, which was 40. But the population of Tennessee is aging. Tennessee citizens' average age was 39 in 2018.
Mexico accounted for 90,399 of the foreign-born population of Tennessee in 2019. Mexico was followed by India with 25,162 and Guatemala with 22,860 of these residents.
Citizenship As of 2019, 96.9% of Tennessee residents identified as US citizens, which is greater than the 93.4 percent national average. Tennessee has 96.9 percent of its population who were US citizens in 2018, indicating a declining citizenship rate.
Veterans Tennessee has 1.56 times more military troops than any other state that participated in the Vietnam War.
Tennessee has a median household income of $56,071. Williamson County, Tennessee had Tennessee's highest median household income in 2019 with a value of $115,507, followed by Wilson County, Tennessee, and Rutherford County, Tennessee, with respective values of $80,071 and $69,397.
In Tennessee, the average income of males is $1.35 times greater than that of females, who earn $46,943. Tennessee's income inequality, as determined by the Gini index, is lower than the national average at 0.466.
Tennessee's economy provides jobs for 3,032,000 people. The highest paying industries in Tennessee are Spectator sports ($162,213), Petroleum refining ($143,198), and Air transportation ($134,707). The largest industries in Tennessee are Restaurants & Food Services (215,129 people), Construction (181,422 people), and Elementary & Secondary Schools (175,078 people).
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