A population of 39.5k people, with a median age of 35.5 and a median family income of $50,378 lived in Columbia, Tennessee in 2020. The population of Columbia, Tennessee increased by 2.96% between 2019 and 2020, from 38,380 to 39,515, while its median household income increased by 2.22%, from $49,284 to $50,378, respectively.
White (Non-Hispanic) (68.1%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (16.6%), White (Hispanic) (6.63%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (3.73%), and Two+ (Hispanic) (3.4%) make up the top 5 ethnic groups in Columbia, Tennessee.
None of the households in Columbia, Tennessee indicated that their primary shared language was anything other than English. Only the principal self-reported language used by all household members is taken into account here, not the potential multilingual character of households.
The citizenship rate in Columbia, Tennessee is 96.9%.
The Columbia State Community College is the largest university in Columbia, Tennessee (1,046 degrees awarded in 2020).
The homeownership rate in Columbia, Tennessee was 61.7% in 2020, while the median property value was $169,200. The majority of residents of Columbia, Tennessee commuted alone by car, and the trip took an average of 27.6 minutes. In Columbia, Tennessee, there were about 2 automobiles per household.
There are 39.5k people living in Columbia, Tennessee, and 96.9% of them are citizens. In 2020, 4.63% of Columbia, Tennessee residents were foreign-born (1.83k people).
In Columbia, Tennessee, White (non-Hispanic) residents made up 26.9k of the population in 2020, which was 4.1 times more than any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 2.62k White (Hispanic) and 6.58k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) residents.
In Columbia, Tennessee, White (non-Hispanic) residents made up 26.9k of the population in 2020, which was 4.1 times more than any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 2.62k White (Hispanic) and 6.58k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) residents.
The Hispanic population of Columbia, Tennessee, is 10.8%. (4.25k people).
1.83k persons in Columbia, Tennessee were born outside of the country in 2020, which is less than the 13.5% national average. The percentage of citizens who were born outside of the United States in Columbia, Tennessee, was 4.1% in 2019, and it has been rising since then.
The average age of all residents in Columbia, Tennessee, in 2020 was 35.5. The median age of citizens of domestic birth was 35, which was generally younger than the median age of citizens of foreign birth, which was 40. However, the population of Columbia, Tennessee, is getting younger. The average age of all people living in Columbia, Tennessee, in 2019 was 37.
Mexico was the nation of birth of 88,072 Tennessee people who were foreign-born as of the year 2020, followed by India with 23,811 and Guatemala with 14,944.
The percentage of US citizens living in Columbia, Tennessee as of 2020 was 96.9%, greater than the 93.4% average for the entire country. The proportion of US citizens in Columbia, Tennessee, which was 97.4% in 2019, indicates a declining citizenship rate.
1.74 times more military troops from Vietnam than from any other combat reside in Columbia, Tennessee.
Columbia, Tennessee's median household income is $50,378. Census Tract 102.01 in Columbia, Tennessee had the highest median household income in 2020, at $82,705, followed by Census Tract 111.01 and Census Tract 103.01, at $77,886 and $75,709, respectively.
In Tennessee, the average income of men is $1.37 times greater than that of women, who earn $46,310 on average. Tennessee's level of income inequality, as determined by the Gini index, is 0.463, which is lower than the national average.
18.8k persons are employed in Columbia, Tennessee's economy. Manufacturing (3,023 people), Health Care & Social Assistance (3,020 people), and Retail Trade (2,289 people) employ the most people in Columbia, Tennessee. The industries with the highest salaries are Utilities ($58,125), Finance & Insurance ($49,316), and Management of Companies & Enterprises ($48,088).
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