In 2019, there were 694k residents in Davidson County, Tennessee, with a median age of 34.5 and a median household income of $63,938. The population of Davidson County, Tennessee increased by 0.225 percent between 2018 and 2019, from 692,587 to 694,144, and by 5.06 percent between $60,856 and $63,938 in terms of median household income.
White (Non-Hispanic) (56%) is the largest ethnic group in Davidson County, Tennessee, followed by Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (26.7%), White (Hispanic) (7.21%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (3.76%), and Other (Hispanic) (2.93 percent ). In Davidson County, Tennessee, there are no households whose the primary language is something other than English.
Americans make up 91.5 percent of the population in Davidson County, Tennessee.
Vanderbilt University (4,581 degrees given in 2020), Belmont University (2,382 degrees), and Lipscomb University are the biggest universities in Davidson County, Tennessee (1,548 degrees).
In Davidson County, Tennessee, the median home value in 2019 was $290,400, and the homeownership rate was 53.7%. The majority of residents of Davidson County, Tennessee, commuted alone by car, and the trip took an average of 22.9 minutes. In Davidson County, Tennessee, there were typically two cars per household.
Davidson County, Tennessee shares borders with Cheatham, Robertson, Rutherford, Sumner, Williamson, and Wilson counties in Tennessee.
There are 694k residents in Davidson County, Tennessee, of which 91.5 percent are citizens. As of 2019, 12.9% of Davidson County, Tennessee citizens were foreign-born (89.3k people).
In Davidson County, Tennessee, White (non-Hispanic) residents (389k) outnumbered persons of all other races and ethnicities by 2.1 times in 2019. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 185k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 50.1k White (Hispanic) inhabitants.
In Davidson County, Tennessee, White (non-Hispanic) residents (389k) outnumbered persons of all other races and ethnicities by 2.1 times in 2019. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 185k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 50.1k White (Hispanic) inhabitants.
Hispanics make up 10.4% of the population in Davidson County, Tennessee (72.2k people).
12.9 percent of Davidson County, Tennessee population (89.3k persons) were foreign-born as of 2019, which is less than the country's average of 13.7 percent. In Davidson County, Tennessee, there were 12.6 percent citizens who were born abroad in 2018, an increasing trend.
In Davidson County, Tennessee, the median age of the population was 34.5 in 2019. Citizens who were born in the country were often younger than those who were born abroad, whose median age was 38. However, Davidson County, Tennessee residents are continuing to keep the same age. The average age of all residents of Davidson County, Tennessee, in 2018 was 35.
Mexico accounted for 90,399 of the foreign-born population of Tennessee in 2019. Mexico was followed by India with 25,162 and Guatemala with 22,860 of these residents.
The percentage of US citizens living in Davidson County, Tennessee as of 2019 was 91.5 percent, which was lower than the 93.4 percent national average. In Davidson County, Tennessee, there were 91.8 percent US citizens in 2018, indicating a declining citizenship rate.
Veterans Davidson County, Tennessee has 1.76 times more military personnel who served in Vietnam than in any other war.
In Davidson County, Tennessee, the average household income is $63,938. In Davidson County, Tennessee, Census Tract 182.03 had the highest Median Household Income in 2019 with a value of $193,542, followed by Census Tract 186.01 and Census Tract 186.02 with values of $190,375 and $188,375, respectively.
In Tennessee, the average income of males is $1.35 times greater than that of females, who earn $46,943. Tennessee's income inequality, as determined by the Gini index, is lower than the national average at 0.466.
395k persons are employed in the Davidson County, Tennessee, economy. The highest paying industries in Davidson County, Tennessee are utilities ($90,830), management of companies & enterprises ($61,953), and finance & insurance ($61,439). The largest industries in the county are health care & social assistance (56,548 people), lodging & food services (36,947 people), and retail trade (36,047 people).
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