In the year 2020, the population of Forest Hills, Tennessee was 4.87 thousand people. The city had a median age of 50.6 residents and a median household income of $205,997. In the year 2020, the population of Forest Hills, Tennessee fell from 4,939 to 4,868, representing a loss of around 1.44%, while the city's median household income increased from $203,056 to $205,997, representing a growth of approximately 1.45%.
White (Non-Hispanic) residents make up 89.5% of the population in Forest Hills, Tennessee. White (Hispanic) residents make up 5.12% of the population, Two+ residents make up 3.02 % of the population, Asian residents make up 0.822 % of the population, and Two+ residents make up 0.534 % of the population.
In Forest Hills, Tennessee, there were no households that reported speaking a language other than English as their primary shared language in the comfort of their own homes. This just takes into account the major language that each member of the family has self-reported speaking, hence it does not take into account whether or not members of the household speak multiple languages.
The citizens of the United States make up 99.9% of Forest Hills, Tennessee's population.
In the year 2020, the median value of a home in Forest Hills, Tennessee was $866,400, and the percentage of residents who owned their own homes was 96.5%. The majority of persons in Forest Hills, Tennessee commuted to work alone via automobile, and the typical trip was twenty minutes. In Forest Hills, Tennessee, the average number of cars owned by residents of a household was 2.
There are 4.87 thousand people living in the area including Forest Hills, Tennessee, of which 99.9 percent are citizens. As of the year 2020, 5.63 percent of residents of Forest Hills, Tennessee were born in a nation other than the United States (274 people).
In the year 2020, there were 4.36 thousand persons who identified as White (non-Hispanic), which was 17.5 times higher than any other race or ethnicity in the city of Forest Hills, Tennessee. There were 249 people who identified as White (Hispanic), making up the second most frequent ethnic group, and 147 people who identified as Two or More (non-Hispanic), making up the third most popular ethnic group.
In the year 2020, there were 4.36 thousand persons who identified as White (non-Hispanic), which was 17.5 times higher than any other race or ethnicity in the city of Forest Hills, Tennessee. There were 249 people who identified as White (Hispanic), making up the second most frequent ethnic group, and 147 people who identified as Two or More (non-Hispanic), making up the third most popular ethnic group.
Hispanics make up 5.83% of the population of Forest Hills, Tennessee (284 people).
As of the year 2020, 5.63%, or 274 out of the total population of Forest Hills, Tennessee, were born in a country other than the United States. This percentage is significantly lower than the national average of 13.5%. The number of citizens who were born in a country other than the United States reached 3.77% in 2019, indicating that the rate has been rising over time.
In the year 2020, the average age of a resident in Forest Hills, Tennessee was 50.6 years old. Citizens who were born in the United States were often younger than citizens born in other countries, whose median age was 58. Native-born citizens had a median age of 49. But individuals in Forest Hills, TN are growing getting older. The people of Forest Hills, Tennessee had an average age of 48 years old in the year 2019.
Mexico was the most popular birthplace for residents of Tennessee who were born in another nation in the year 2020. Mexico was the natal country of 88,072 residents of Tennessee, followed by India with 23,811 residents and Guatemala with 14,944 residents.
As of the year 2020, a significantly higher percentage of people living in Forest Hills, Tennessee, were citizens of the United States than the average for the country, which was 93.4%. In 2019, the percentage of people who identified themselves as citizens of the United States was 99.7% in Forest Hills, Tennessee; this indicates that the rate of citizenship has been growing.
The percentage of the population of Forest Hills, Tennessee who served in the military during the Vietnam War is approximately 2.04 times higher than the people that served in any other combat.
In Tennessee, males make 1.37 times more than the average income of females, which is $46,310. This income disparity exists because males tend to have higher paying jobs. Using the Gini index, we can see that the level of income inequality in Tennessee is 0.463, which is lower than the average for the rest of the country.
2.29 thousand individuals have jobs thanks to Forest Hills, Tennessee's economy. Health Care and Social Assistance, Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, and Finance and Insurance are the three industries that employ the most people in Forest Hills, Tennessee. The highest paying industries are Management of Companies and Enterprises ($206,750), Other Services Except Public Administration ($202,931), and Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services ($167,813). There are 501 people employed in the Health Care and Social Assistance industry.
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